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Hamster Kombat

  Hamster Kombat Hamster Kombat refers to a popular cryptocurrency game that recently launched on the Telegram platform. It’s a web3 game, meaning it leverages blockchain technology to integrate aspects of cryptocurrency and digital ownership into the gameplay. The game’s mechanics and character details are still under wraps, but its viral popularity has caused quite a stir. Below is a Link, if you would like to Join #HamsterKombat #Game #Crypto #TaptoEarn #TapSwap #Ton #LaunchingSoon
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KuCoin' Invitation

 Join #KuCoin's mega giveaway! Invite your friends and receive up to 100 #USDT per referral.

ލިޔުން ފަރިތަ ކޮއްލުމެއް

  ވިއްސާރަ ވެހި ވެހިފަ ކުއްލިޔަކަށް އިރުގެ އަލިކަން  ލިބުނު  ދުވަހެކެވެ، ޖޫން ޖުލައިގެ ހުޅަނގުގެ މޫސުން ނިމުމަކަށް ގޮސް އޮގަސްޓް މަހަށް ހަނދުބަލާ މިއަދު އެމަހުން 8 ކެވެ، އާދައިގެން މަތިން ހެނދުނު ހެނދުނާ ފަށަން ޖެހޭ ވަޒީފާ އެއްގަ އުޅޭތީ 6 ޖެހި އިރަށް ތެދުވެ ރެޑީވެގެން ކެފެޓީރިޔާ އާ ދިމާލަށް ނާސްތާ ނަގަން ހިނގައި ގަތީމެވެ، މޫސުމީ އުނދަގޫ ފަސޭހަ ވުމުގެ ސަބަބުން ހިނިތުންވެލާ ކުދިންނެއްވެސް މަދެންނޫނެވެ، ފެންނަހާ މީހަކަށް ބާއްޖަވެރި ހެނދުނަކަށް އެދެމުން ގޮސް ކެންޓީން ވަދެ ސައި ބުއީމެވެ، ނިމިގެން އާދަކާދައިގެ ތެރެއިން ސިގިރޭޓް ރޯކޮއްލީމެވެ، އަގު ބޮޑު އެއަޗެކެވެ، ހައްޓައް ނުރައްކާ ވަބާއެކެވެ، ބަލާއެކެވެ، ދެވި ހިފާ އެއްޗެކެވެ، ކުރަން ހެޔް ނުވާވަރުގެ ކަމަކަށް ވިޔަސް އެބަ ކުރެވެއެވެ، ހުއްޓާލަން ވެސް ހިތަކަށް ނާރުވަމެވެ، އަހަރެން ކުރާނެ މާބޮޑު ހަރަދު ތަކެއް ނުހުރެ އެވެ، ޅަ ނޫނަސް އަންބަކު ދަރިއަކު ނުހުރެ އެވެ، އެހެން ކަމުން ސަމާލް ކަމެއް ނުދީ ކުރެވޭ ގޯހެކެވެ، ނަމަވެސް އަޅުގަނޑަކީ ގޯސް މީހެއް ނޫނެވެ، ހަޔާތުގެ ދުވަސް ތައް އެކަނި ގުނަމުން ގެންދާ 33 އަހަރުގެ ފިރިހެނަކީމެވެ، ހަޔާތުގަ ކައި


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Yesterday, I went to the supermarket with the prudence dictated by the new normal. Mask, gel and safety distance. I then started to get the things that were on my short list, and when I was lining up to pay, between taking the money and storing the phone, the 500 Rufiya bill I had to pay fell on the floor, and the man who was in front of me finishing paying his purchases slowly bent down and picked up my note. Woww.. How much education and kindness in these pandemic times - I thought. I held out my hand, waiting for him to give me back my money, trying to stay away, so that he would feel safe, while preparing to thank him for the gesture. But suddenly, what he told me was  shocking - What's on the floor belongs to whoever finds it! - and just like that, he left ... naturally, as if he hadn't done anything wrong. I looked at the lady behind me and the people next to me and they all looked at me in shock and disbelief, whispering things between them. For a moment there, I was try

Updated MV Blood Donors - 02/07/2019

Here is an updated list of donors, blood group wisely with their contacts. 1. Ameen : O+ 9990038 2. Ammadey : O+ 9976422 3. Shaniz: O+ 9146682 4. Imadh : O+ 7572788 5. Faiz : O+ 9891577 6. Zaha : O+ 9739515 7. Sofwaan : O+ 7776415 8. Afxal : O+ 9120821 9. Naeem : O+ 9795077 10. Khalifa : O+ 7559272 11. Saeed : O+ 9895668 12. Sameeh : O+ 9880807 13. Ahmed : O+ 7445757 14. Sameer : O+ 9904110 15. Fazeel : O+  9887122 16. Sherin : O+ 9848054 17. Hassan : O+ 7778365 18. Basith : O+   7784416 19. Shixan : O+ 7992634 20. Shafeeg : O+ 9811984 21. Imad : O+ 9995637 22. Hisham : O+ 9781133 23. Ree has : O+ 7556692 24. Ashwin : O+ 9949066 25. Mamdhooh : O+ 7934413 26. Hannan : O+ 9925248 27. Risheef : O+ 7552992 28. Nabeel : O+ 9795369 29. Shaan : O+ 7842677 30. A.shafeeq : O+ 9960623 31. Eric : O+ 9500001 32. Imad : O+ 9926263 33. Fareed : O+ 9970784 34. Binthi : O+ 7964469 35. Issey : O+ 9922475 36. Iyaz : O+ 7588527 37. Yamin : O+ 9818203 38. Munaz : O+ 7