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Showing posts from April, 2012

You Will... DECIDE

  You Will... DECIDE You will have the experience of choosing or selecting. More than one viable option will lie before you. You will experience weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each, as best you can. You will perceive yourself picking one and letting go of the other. Some experiences of deciding will be very difficult; others scarcely worth noting. Your decisions will have consequences. The consequences of a choice may be significant or trivial. The ultimate consequences of a choice may be very different from their first appearance.

You Will... GROW

You Will... GROW You will experience a process of change in yourself. One moment you may be paralyzed with fear of what lies ahead; the next moment you will feel confident and knowledgeable having walked through the fear. The change may come gradually with no clear moment or division. Whether the outcome you receive is what you were hoping for or very different, you will grow through each experience.

You Will... MATURE

You Will... MATURE You will experience stages in your life. You begin as a single cell and grow until you are born as a small infant. You continue to grow through the lifecycle for as long as you survive: childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, maturity, supermaturity, elderhood, and frailty. You may not live through all of the available stages. Each segment contains physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth experiences unique to itself. Stages may end and begin suddenly, or segué into one another gradually. As you conclude a stage you may feel relief or remorse that it is over. Once you move through a stage, it is over; you cannot go back.


You Will... HAVE GUIDES You will receive assistance through this process. You will find various teachers and mentors who will share their experiences and help you read the signposts along your way. You will have birth parents who will be your central guides; or you will find surrogates for them. If you do not find another person to be your guide, you may find you can look deep within to find guidance.


You Will... HAVE A BODY, EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS AND A SOUL Your experiences will come to you through four modalities: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Your body will give you physical messages of sensation, movement, pain and pleasure. Your emotional mechanism’s feelings will attract you and repel you in different directions, sometimes conflicting. Your mind’s thoughts will make logical inferences and judgments about your experience. Your soul’s intuitions will guide you to realize the deepest subtleties of your experience and its meaning.

10 Bizarre Sex World Records

From an 82-year-old prostitute to a 500 people orgy and the world's gang bang record, meet some of the weirdest sex world records you may not see in the Guinness Book.  World's Largest Penis – 13.5 in The official rank of the largest penis belongs to a man measured and documented by Dr. Robert Dickinson in the earlier part of the twentieth century. This record-holding penis was 13.5 inches (34 cm) in length and 6.25 inches (16 cm) in circumference. But the living owner of the world's biggest human penis is Jonah Falcon. Falcon's 13-5 inch member has been measured for a TV special, making him one of the few guys who can back up his bodily boasts.  ( Link 1  |  Link 2 )  World's Largest Vagina – 19 in The Largest Vagina most likely belonged to Scottish giantess Anna Swan (1846-1888), a remarkable woman who set a number of records relating to her bulk. Born normally sized, she began growing at a prodigious rate in childhood, finally reaching a maximum height ...


1. Be Eye-Catchingly Honest Remember George Costanza's approach in Seinfeld: "My name is George. I'm unemployed and live with my parents." Hey, it worked for him. So why not try being straight with women? Tell them you're not much of a player. David Wells, 31, confirms, "When I was younger, I made the mistake of thinking I had to act suave," he says. But since then, he's upfront about the fact that he's shy. "A lot of women think it's charming!" he says. As a guy, you've probably heard more than an earful of advice on how to bust out of your timid shell and engage women in witty repartee. Sure, these gregarious mentors may mean well, but they often forget that it's not easy to change who you are. Think of it in basketball terms. If your team lacks height, you don't repeatedly try to go inside. No, you use your speed, passing and outside shooting to beat the competition. Same goes with dating: play up your strengt...

5 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Girlfriend

5 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Girlfriend Let’s face it, women have the ability to read much more into a question than is meant. For instance, a guy asks what the time is, and she hears, “I’m bored, I want to leave, I wonder if this relationship is working for me, I think I may be able to escape in the next few minutes, I wonder what I am doing here?” He wanted to know what the time was, because he needs to take his tablet an hour after supper. So what do the following questions mean to women? Are you going to be much longer?  She hears :  Here I am sitting on my backside waiting in the car, while you are packing the baby’s bag, sorting out the dog, wrapping the birthday present, dealing with YOUR mother’s phonecall, setting the alarm and locking the house. What is taking you so long? Why does this question irritate women? This question merely reveals your husband/boyfriend’s complete lack of understanding about what it takes to get ready to go on...

6 Female Behaviors That Baffle Men

Obviously there are some dramatic and pressing issues about women that  just play with men head games. Here I‘ve tried to focus on some of them: 1. Why Do Women Have so Many Shoes? If you want to know why some women get really excited about shoes, I can't tell you. But regardless of whether women actually like shoes or not, the average woman has to have a fair amount of them, especially if they wear dresses. Ladies have to coordinate hemline with boot height; they  have to make sure the styles match, and colors don't look funny together. To cover all the bases, ladies  usually need a brown, black and white pair of shoes in each style (pumps, flats, sneakers, low boots, high boots). If lady gets any funky "cute" colors, they'll probably end up matching exactly one outfit. Figuring out which shoes would go with which outfit is basically voodoo, as far as I can tell, and there's no changing rooms at shoe stores, so it's easy to come home ...