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  1. Have a bouquet of flowers delivered to her at work or surprise her with them at home. Have the ring tied to one of the flowers. Be waiting at her office and surprise her with the proposal!

  2. Use the ring to clasp a small bunch of wildflowers together. When she notices it, get down on one knee and propose.

  3. Spell out your proposal with rose petals or petals from her favorite flower. As she reads the proposal, get down on one knee and ask her to be your bride.

  4. Twelve days before the you decide to propose, begin sending her a single rose each day leading to the 12th day. On the 12th day, she will expect a last rose to complete her dozen. Instead, surprise her with a full dozen roses and a ring and ask for her hand in marriage.

  5. Give her a dozen roses (11 real roses with one fake one in the middle). Tell her your love for her will end when the last petal falls. Propose when she figures out that the rose in the middle won't lose it's petals.

  6. Fill a hotel room with rose petals and light candles all over. Have rose petals leading from the door, to the bed, to the bathroom, to a tub filled with floating petals. You can get fresh rose petals in solid colors or multiple colors at Pick a Petal. After an intimate, sensual bath, ask for her hand in marriage.

  7. Give her 11 roses over 11 days. On the 12th day, give her the last rose with the ring attached to it and get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage.

  8. Give her a single, rare flower or her favorite flower with the ring tied to the stem of the flower. You may want to steer clear of roses for this one because they're so common (unless it's her absolute favorite). Try giving her something unique and original. Check out the symbolism of flowers to help you choose. When you give her the flower, tell her that you've found a love so rare and want to hold on to it for the rest of your life.

  9. Place the ring in the bud of the rose. When she goes to smell the lovely rose you got her, she will be surprised to find a ring within the petals!

  10. Leave a vase of roses in the center of her kitchen or dining room table. Make sure all of them but one are cut short. When she pulls out the flower to shorten it have the ring attached to the end of the flower.

  11. Buy 14 of her favorite flowers. Tie a piece of paper to each of them. Have each flower stem hold a letter spelling out 'will you marry me'. Give her the flowers one by one. Have the last flower, the 'e' flower, have the ring attached to it as well.

  12. Leave a path of rose petals from the front door to the bedroom. Have rose petals in a heart shape on the bed with the opened ring box placed in the center of it for her to find.

  13. Put the ring box in the bottom of a box filled with rose petals and two live butterflies. Tell her that the gift was sudden, but special, and was a token of appreciation. When she opens the box, the butterflies fly out and she'll be in awe. She'll find the ring box at the bottom and when she does, tell her what you feel and ask her for her hand in marriage.

  14. Give her a gorgeous bouquet of paper roses! JustPaperRoses will create the paper roses out of photos of you and your sweetie or you can even have a special message, such as 'Will you marry me?' be printed on the roses!

  15. Have one rose/flower delivered to her every hour for 11 hours. Show up yourself with the 12th rose/flower and propose.

  16. Spell out the words "Will you marry me?" on your wall with roses. As she reads your message, get down on one knee and propose.

  17. Give her thirteen roses. Have twelve real roses around a rose-shaped ring box in the center. When she discovers the ring box, get down on one knee and pop the question.

  18. Order a gorgeous Hawaiian lei and have give it to her before a dinner out. Have the ring attached to the lei and get down on one knee when she sees it. Keep the theme going and tell her that you want to take her to Hawaii for your honeymoon.

  19. Give her three long-stemmed roses and tell her that one represents the past, one represents the present, and one represents your future. Have the ring tied to the last rose and then get down on one knee and propose.


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