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Hindi Lyrics Translation Here is the song 'Hamein Tumse Pyar Kitna

humei tum se pyaar kitanaa, ye hum naheen jaanate
how much do I love you, this I don't know

magar jee naheen sakate, tumhaare beenaa
but I can not live without you

sunaa gam judaee kaa, uthhaate hain log
I have heard that people carry the burden of sorrows of separation

jaane jindagee kaise, bitaate hain log
don't know how can they survive this

din bhee yahaa to lage, baras ke samaan
Even one day here seems like a year

humei intajaar kitanaa, ye hum naheen jaanate
How long do I have to wait, I don't know

magar jee naheen sakate, tumhaare beenaa
but I can not live without you

tumhe koee aaur dekhe, to jalataa hain dil
if someone else looks at you , then my heart hurts

badee mushkilon se fir, sanbhalataa hain dil
with very great difficulty, my heart comes in control

kyaa, kyaa jatan karate hai, tumhe kyaa pataa
what consequenses do I go through, you don't even know

ye dil bekaraar kitanaa, ye hum naheen jaanate
how restless is my heart, I don't know

magar jee naheen sakate, tumhaare beenaa
But I can not live without you

(but still i am living without you:) )


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