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jaane ja

Jaane jaan jaane jaan, jaane jaan 

my darling....

Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan

separated from you where can I go?

Jaane jaan jaane jaan, jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Hoke juda hai saath bhi

even when apart we are together

Tu door bhi, tu paas bhi

you're far away and near

Jaise zameen se hai yeh asmaan

just like the earth is from the sky

Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan

(Tujhse alag hoke bhi main

even though i'm separated from you

Tujhse alag ho na paaya

I still feel a part of you

Dharti pe jitna gagan hai

just like the sky covers the earth

Utna hi hai tera saaya) - 2

your shadow is everywhere

Yaadein teri, baatein teri

memories of you, the words you spoke

Din hai tere, raatein teri

fill my days and nights
Paaoon tujhe hi main jaaoon jahan

I see you everywhere I go

Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichar ke main jaaoon kahan

(Haathon se haath hain choote

our hands may have separated

Dil se dil choote nahin hai

but our hearts haven't

Rishton ke phool abhi tak

the flowers of our relationship

Shaakon se toote nahin hai) - 2

haven't let go of the branches

Khushiyan teri, ghum hai tere

your happiness and sorrow are mine

Dil mein mere mausum tere

your feelings are in my heart

Mehka tujhi se yeh gulsitaaan

this garden is perfumed by you

Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Hoke juda hai saath bhi
Tu door bhi tu paas bhi
Jaise zameen se hai yeh asmaan
Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan
Jaane jaan jaane jaan jaane jaan
Tujhse bichad ke main jaaoon kahan


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Yesterday, I went to the supermarket with the prudence dictated by the new normal. Mask, gel and safety distance. I then started to get the things that were on my short list, and when I was lining up to pay, between taking the money and storing the phone, the 500 Rufiya bill I had to pay fell on the floor, and the man who was in front of me finishing paying his purchases slowly bent down and picked up my note. Woww.. How much education and kindness in these pandemic times - I thought. I held out my hand, waiting for him to give me back my money, trying to stay away, so that he would feel safe, while preparing to thank him for the gesture. But suddenly, what he told me was  shocking - What's on the floor belongs to whoever finds it! - and just like that, he left ... naturally, as if he hadn't done anything wrong. I looked at the lady behind me and the people next to me and they all looked at me in shock and disbelief, whispering things between them. For a moment there, I was try...