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All about Condoms

When used consistently and correctly, CURE Brand Condoms can be up to 98% effective in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. But for a condom to work properly it has to be put on and removed properly. With practice, you can don a condom properly—with Thumpitude, style, and with flash—in just a few seconds.
How do I put on a condom?
Here’s how to put on a male condom:
1.    Check the expiration date
When you remove the condom from the box (or drawer or wherever you keep them) check the expiration date printed on the foil. If the expiration date is passed or there is no expiration date, do not use the condom.
2.    Carefully open the package
Opening the foil with a sharp anything (such as your teeth, fingernails, or a ring) could potentially weaken the condom (causing it to break during use) or create a small pinhole.
3.    Put the condom on
a.     Most condoms, including CURE Brand Condoms, will only roll on the penis one way. Make sure the reservoir tip (hat part) is facing away from your penis before you put it on the tip of the penis.
b.    If you are uncircumcised, pull back your foreskin before putting the condom on.
c.     Put the rolled-up condom over the tip of your penis. You should be able to see or feel the tip, and that there is space for the semen to collect.
d.    Pinch the air out of the tip of the condom. Doing this decreases the chances that the condom will break or burst off when you ejaculate.
e.    If you can use both your hands, use them. With one hand holding onto the condom at the head of your penis, use your other hand to unroll the condom all the way to the base of the penis. Make sure it is rolled all the way down the shaft.
f.     If you have it handy, add a little extra lubricant, especially if you’re not using a pre-lubricated condom. For the comfort (and pleasure!) of your partner, you will probably want to use some water-based lubricant on the outside of the condom. Only use water-based lubes on CURE Brand Condoms because they are made of latex and oil-based lubes can weaken the condom. Even if you are using a lubricated condom, using extra lubricant increases sensitivity and reduces the chance of a condom breaking.
                Now for the fun part: have sex!
                After you ejaculate (cum)
 .      After ejaculation and before the penis gets soft, grip the rim at the base of the condom and carefully withdraw.
a.     Gently pull the condom off the penis, making sure that semen doesn’t spill out or slip off.
b.    Be considerate.
c.     Do not contact your partner with your penis or hands before you wash your penis, pubic area, and hands with soap and water. Casual contact with sexual fluids should be avoided.
d.    Please dispose condoms properly, don’t flush your condoms down the toilet. Wrap condoms in a tissue and throwing it in the wastebasket where others won’t handle it.
Here’s how to put on a female condom:
1.    What is a female condom, anyway?
a.     Female condoms are soft, transparent tubular sheaths that are inserted into the vagina prior to sexual intercourse and that provide protection against both pregnancy and STDs, including HIV/AIDS. The inner ring at the closed end of the condom aids in insertion and secures the device in place during intercourse, while the softer ring remains outside the vagina. Like a male condom they cannot be reused.
                Check the expiration date.
 .      When you remove the condom from the box (or drawer or wherever you keep them) check the expiration date printed on the foil. If the expiration date is passed or there is no expiration date, do not use the condom.
                Carefully open the package.
 .      Opening the foil with a sharp anything (such as your teeth, fingernails, or a ring) could potentially weaken the condom (causing it to break during use) or create a small pinhole.
                Put the condom on
 .      Find the closed end of the condom.
a.     Hold the inner ring at the closed end of the condom, and squeeze it together in the middle, forming a figure eight with the ring.
b.    Find a comfortable position to insert the ring. Most women will do it lying on their back, squatting, or standing with one foot on a chair.
c.     With your free hand, spread open the outer vaginal lips.
d.    While holding the inner ring, push the ring up into the vagina as far as possible, past the pubic bone and covering the cervix.
e.    Insert index or middle finger into the condom to insure it is in place. About one inch of the condom, including the outer ring will remain outside your body.
f.     Once the penis enters the vagina this slack will decrease. However the outer ring must remain outside the vagina to provide protection to the external genitalia.
g.    Be careful during intercourse. Take care not to let the penis push the outer ring into the vagina. Also be sure that the penis enters the vagina in the condom and not on the side between the condom and the vaginal wall. If either of these happens, stop sex play immediately and readjust the ring.
                To remove the female condom, hold the outer ring and twist before you pull out. This will keep any fluid (semen) inside the ring.
                Be considerate.
 .      Do not contact your partner with your penis or hands before you wash your penis, pubic area, and hands with soap and water. Casual contact with sexual fluids should be avoided.
a.     Please dispose condoms properly, don’t flush your condoms down the toilet. Wrap condoms in a tissue and throwing it in the wastebasket where others won’t handle it.
How do I put on a condom with my mouth?
1.    Learning to put a condom on with your mouth is both a great parlor trick and also a wonderful way to make condoms a highly desirable part of sex play. It can take several tries to get it right and do it and you need to be careful not to damage the condom. But practicing doesn’t suck so you should have no problem getting your partner to let you practice.
2.    Because some lubricated condoms taste terrible, it’s best to use a non-lubricated or flavored condom.
3.    Check the expiration (if the expiration date is passed or there is not expiration date do not use the condom) and be careful when opening the foil not to damage the condom.
a.     Consider using a bit of water-based lube on your partner’s penis for extra sensitivity.
                Put the condom in your mouth with the reservoir tip pointing toward your throat, and the ring of the condom in front of your teeth.
                Press the reservoir tip with your tongue against the roof of your mouth you want to keep the air out of the tip as the condom is going on.
                Take one or both of your hands and wrap them around the base of your partner’s penis to keep it hard and straight. If your partner is uncircumcised, make sure his foreskin is pulled back.
                Open your mouth and lower your head and put the condom on the tip of his penis. Make sure you have the reservoir tip squeezed with your tongue against the head of the penis.
                Use your lips to roll the condom down the shaft of the penis. You might very gently be using your teeth, but be careful to only use the front flat parts for guidance, not to bite down or tear the condom with your teeth.


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