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Biggest Relationship Mistakes

#15 Forgetting to Be Friends
The root of a healthy relationship is friendship. Don't let your romance (or lack thereof) make you forget that.

#14 Intentionally Saying Hurtful Things
This is a tactic that some people just didn't grow out of after high school like they should have. Even when you are arguing with each other, don't say things that you know will hurt them. Don't disrespect them or say something that could affect them negatively.

#13 Not Resolving Conflict
It's become pretty popular to avoid saying "I'm sorry" at all costs these days. This may work for you if you'd like to make your partner feel terrible, but owning up to your mistakes will be worth it for both of you.

#12 Can't Handle Distance
It is not uncommon for someone to have a job that takes them far away at times. Some people are not cut out for a relationship like this but will make the mistake of trying to stick with it anyway. It may seem brutal to break it off because you can't handle the distance, but in the end you will only be saving each other from years of misery.

#11 No Romance
Sure, feeling like you're in a chick flick can be pretty cheesy, but sometimes it's those cheesy little moments that really show your partner that you care.

#10 Not Handling Embarrassment
A lot of people will accept being with someone that makes them feel embarrassed, or worse, someone that is embarrassed to be seen with them. Don't sell yourself short just because you're afraid of being alone. You owe them and yourself the respect to get out.

#9 Not Compromising
Let him pick where you go to eat if you get to pick the movie or vice versa. In the end, neither of you will really care what you did that day, but you'll always remember that you were both willing to do something just because the other person likes it.

#8 Not Being on the Same Page
Some couples have a problem with one person feeling more committed than the other. The best way to ensure this problem never arises is to make sure you're on the same page about everything. Talk it out, assure your partner of how you feel about them.

#7 Not Seeing Things From Their View
You need empathy to get through any other relationship in your life -- with co-workers, your family, your friends -- why should it be different with your partner?

#6 Making Assumptions
One of the biggest assumptions made in a relationship is thinking that your partner is a certain way just because you met someone else that's that way too. The whole "all guys/girls are the same" idea gets old fast.

#5 Pretending to Like Things You Don't
This is a textbook mistake that people have been making since the beginning of time! Be with someone that shares your interests or at least someone that respect your differences, you will be much happier.

#4 Expecting Things to Change
This is a hard lesson for some people to learn, but you can't change your boyfriend/girlfriend. Only they can do that and only when they decide to. If you're waiting it out, expecting something wonderful to happen, you're only wasting your time.

#3 Constant Fighting
You may have been raised to think that men and women are supposed to fight like cats and dogs, but this is far from true. If you find yourself fighting nearly every day just to make yourself heard, it's probably time to head out or send your partner packing.

#2 Avoiding the Issues
Couples that argue all the time are not healthy, however couples that never discuss the tough issues may be worse. If you both keep sweeping problems under the rug and pretending to be happy, the downfall may be drastic.

#1 Expecting Marriage to Fix Everything
Too many couples hurry to the alter expecting it to magically fix everything. Marriage certainly can feel magical sometimes, but it does not make life suddenly perfect.


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