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15 Questions you want to ask on your Dates -- but Don't.......

1. Were you disappointed or excited when you first saw me?
2. Are you mentally unstable? (Alternative phrasing: Is anyone in your family koo-koo for cocoa puffs?)
3. Do you share food?
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own, and which pair do you wear the most?
5. How often do you think you'd be giving me massages?
6. Are you doing your dream job -- and do you care?
7. How many girls have you hooked up with this year?
8. Does anyone else think they're dating you right now?
9. What's the most common thing you've heard when girls see you naked for the first time?
10. Why did your last relationship really end?
11. How many exes are you still in touch with?
12. How do you fight?
13. When I say the word "marriage," what do you think?
14. What percentage of the time do you think your pee actually hits the toilet water?
15. How soon would you be open to kids, and do you even want children?
15 Questions you want to ask on your Dates -- but Don't.......

1. Were you disappointed or excited when you first saw me? 
2. Are you mentally unstable? (Alternative phrasing: Is anyone in your family koo-koo for cocoa puffs?) 
3. Do you share food? 
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own, and which pair do you wear the most?
5. How often do you think you'd be giving me massages? 
6. Are you doing your dream job -- and do you care? 
7. How many girls have you hooked up with this year? 
8. Does anyone else think they're dating you right now? 
9. What's the most common thing you've heard when girls see you naked for the first time? 
10. Why did your last relationship really end? 
11. How many exes are you still in touch with? 
12. How do you fight? 
13. When I say the word "marriage," what do you think? 
14. What percentage of the time do you think your pee actually hits the toilet water? 
15. How soon would you be open to kids, and do you even want children?


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