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Why do married people have affairs?

Being married and having an affair with some one is so bad. But in my view for this this to be happen their should be only two reasons. One is not getting care, love, respect sex and so on from the married spouse. Another reason is that he/she has the habit of always tasting new ones.

As long as love is like a falling river when ever touches an obstacle it finds many paths. like wise when we are married and living in that life if you are not getting that much love from your spouse than he / she will miss that every day. at the same time if some one else is giving more love and care than it automatically changes his/her mind and falls on that one. In my research this is the main factor that married people have affairs with others.

Lets talk about sex. If your heart is not fulfilled with sex in your married life you will really get bored. some times you feel that youl are throwing a rope in to the sea. In my studies, as well as others, people in sexless marriages report that they are more likely to have considered divorce, and that they are less happy in their marriages.

Some of our former respondents have kept in touch with me, and the happiest ones are actually those that have moved on to other partners. It may be that lack of sex is a signal that all intimacy in a marriage is over, and that both would be happier in other situations.

In sum, these situations are just so complicated. Each couple has to examine their specific histories, their motivations and goals, and whether it is worth it to them to work on putting sex back in the marriage. It can be a difficult task and require that people take emotional and physical steps that aren’t comfortable for them.
Why do married people have affairs?

Being married and having an affair with some one is so bad. But in my view for this this to be happen their should be only two reasons. One is not getting care, love, respect sex and so on from the married spouse. Another reason is that he/she has the habit of always tasting new ones.

As long as love is like a falling river when ever touches an obstacle it finds many paths. like wise when we are married and living in that life if you are not getting that much love from your spouse than he / she will miss that every day. at the same time if some one else is giving more love and care than it automatically changes his/her mind and falls on that one. In my research this is the main factor that married people have affairs with others.

Lets talk about sex. If your heart is not fulfilled with sex in your married life you will really get bored. some times you feel that youl are throwing a rope in to the sea. In my studies, as well as others, people in sexless marriages report that they are more likely to have considered divorce, and that they are less happy in their marriages.

Some of our former respondents have kept in touch with me, and the happiest ones are actually those that have moved on to other partners. It may be that lack of sex is a signal that all intimacy in a marriage is over, and that both would be happier in other situations. 

In sum, these situations are just so complicated. Each couple has to examine their specific histories, their motivations and goals, and whether it is worth it to them to work on putting sex back in the marriage. It can be a difficult task and require that people take emotional and physical steps that aren’t comfortable for them.


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